viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019

EIGHT #RESEARCH PROJECT: Choose one alternative energy source mentioned in the article and use the internet to find out about its advantages and disadvantages. Prepare short comic strips using the second conditional and third conditional.

The student listens, interprets, and communicates relevant messages for different contexts by using appropriate means, codes and tolos.
-Express ideas and concepts trough linguistic, mathematical or graphic representations. 

SEVEN #Look at the notes. Then write a paragraph by answering these questions.
What happened in 2003?
On feb 1/ 2003 space shuttle broken Up as  in returned to earth killing the seven astronauts on board.
What caused the accident?
A piece of foam insulation deta ched itself from the outer space shuttle tank and hit the left wing.
What did NASA develop after the accident?
The NASA debe la ped Eva.
What can EVA do?
Can withs tand cosmic and intense sun radiation,fire,shock,vibration,electromagnétic. 
Where is EVA used?
Eva is used international space station.
What happened before the astronauts took it up into space? Crew program hat will bring astronauts  to the space station no earlier than 2018. (Stylus BT, Negrita, size 20)
1.Identifies, orders and interprets the ideas, data and concepts explicit and implicit, in a text considering the context in which it was generated and in which it was received.

viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2019

Have to & Must

Five #In pairs talk about the rules you wrote. Be prepare to explain the reasons for the rules. (Stylus BT, Negrita, size 20)
4. The student listens, interprets, and communicates messages relevant to different contexts by using appropriate means, codes, and tools.

Hello, My name is karina Ornelas Gutiérrez, i have 17 (seventeen) year old, the rules of the restaurant "the mazky" are: 
1. You have to was you hand's before you eat
2. You mustn's get on the table.
3. You have to pay cash of the restaurant 
4. You dont have to run because you can trip and get hurt. 

viernes, 13 de septiembre de 2019


Four #In groups, write in your notebook a conversation at a restaurant similar to the one in Activity 5 using your menus from activity 6. (Stylus BT, Negrita, size 20)
4. The student produces texts base on the normative use of language, considering the intention and communicative situation.

Karina: welcome to freedy's 
Diego Martínez: thank you. Could you de sit at that tabla?
Diego Jiménez: could you tell me toda'y special's.
Karina: of course! Come this way.
Diego Jiménez: could you tell me toda'y special's 
Karina: toda'y de have steack and salad or fish and mashed pataton I'II come back in some minutes to take you orden 
Diego Martínez: Diego do you think i can have the steack whith the mashed pataton? 
Diego Jiménez I think you can let's ask excuse us could she have the steack whith the mashed pataton? I'll have the fish 
Karina : sure could I offer you anything else? 
Diego Martínez :that's all for now. Thank you


SIX #Role play your conversations with another pair. Do you have any helpful comments about their performance. 

4. The student listens, interprets, and communicates messages relevant to different contexts by using appropriate means, codes, and tools.

K: Hello, julio! 
J: Hi, Karina. Hows it going? 
K:Good what do you want to buy? 
J: I want some new shoes. And you, what do you want? Do you want to look shoes, too? 
K: No, I want some new jeans 
J: Cool! Thanks! 
K: No problem. 

K: Good morning. Can i help you? 
J: Yes, please. I would like a pair of shoes, please. 
K: Of course follow me , please, shoes are over here. 
J: Oh! I like those red ones! 
K: would you like to try them on? 
J: yes, please. I'm size 24, thank you very much.
K: you're welcome.
Subsecretaria de Educación Media Superior
Unidad de Educación Media Superior Tecnológica Agropecuaria y Ciencias del Mar
Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico Agropecuario No. 166
“Lic. J. Guadalupe González Estrada”
Moyahua de Estrada Zacatecas
C.B.T.A. 166
Centro de Bachillerato Tecnológico No. 166
“Lic. J. Guadalupe González Estrada”
P o r t f o l i o
English 5
(Learning Evidences)
Student: Karina ornelas Gutiérrez 
                                        Group: 5 "A" T.D.S.
                                           Career: T.D.S
Teacher: Ing. Julio Abed Escalante Hernández
        Term: August 2019 to January 2020
                        Moyahua de Eda. Zac., a 26 de August de 2019